Physics of Living Cells Summer School

Physics of Living Cells Summer School 2020


July 15 - 22, 2020

CPLC Summer School

The mission of the Center for the Physics of Living Cells at the University of Illinois is to create a quantitative, predictive, and physically-based description of living systems. The 2020 CPLC Summer School will offer multi-scale training in the latest experimental, computational, and theoretical biophysical approaches to the following scientific themes:

SCIENTIFIC THEMES: Stochastic bacterial gene expression in space & time, Neuroscience: from the large to the small, Liquid-liquid phase separation: from molecules to condensates, Biomolecular folding: from in vitro to in vivo, Liquid-phase electron microscopy & optical microscopy of biomolecules.

PARTICIPATING FACULTY: Alek Aksimentiev, Yann Chemla, Ido Golding, Martin Gruebele, Nigel Goldenfeld, Taekjip Ha, Sangjin Kim, Zaida Luthey-Schulten, Sua Myong, Paul Selvin, Karin Dahmen, Rhonda Dzakpasu (Georgetown University), and Qian Chen.

This summer school is designed for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and researchers in physics, biophysics, chemical and life sciences, and engineering who seek to expand their research skills into the areas covered in the Summer School themes.

Summer School Announcement

Applications should be submitted online at

Application Deadline March 15, 2020!

This summer school is only open to researchers at institutions other than the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Base Registration Fee*: $100 students; $175 postdocs; $250 all others
Housing and all course materials will be provided.